Innovative solar & Energy efficiency Solutions

Value for Money

We deliver quality assured products and services at cost-competitive prices

Factory Direct

No Middlemen, we supply directly from the factory

Trusted Source

We hold 43 years of innovative experience and premier quality products

Solar Thermal

Hot water is essential in almost every household, and solar thermal supplies it, while drastically reducing the need of burning expensive fossil fuels.

Solar Electric

The high cost of the electricity and dwindling cost of solar cells are turning photovoltaic into one of the fastest growing and most important fuel switching technologies in the world

Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient technology meets the growing demand to reduce greenhouse gases and conserve scarce resources by lowering energy losses and optimising the use of renewable technology

Semi-Finished Products

Shipping costs for finished goods can drive down return on investments in renewable technology. We supply building components so renewable products can be assembled locally.

6 Production units across the globe


Jiangsu Province,

Zhejiang Province,

Fujian Province,

Kuala Lumpur,

Bac Ninh province,

Do you have large projects or require large shipments ?


We supply straight from the factory floor

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What The Future Looks Like.